How to get to the App Settings
- Within Opal Composer, in the top menu bar, click the words “Opal Composer” and hover over the settings to reveal the settings categories.

1. Start App at login
If this toggle is enabled, anytime you start your computer and login, Opal Composer will also start being automatically opened.
2. Start when camera is plugged in
If this toggle is enabled, assuming Opal Composer is already closed, once you plug your camera in Opal Composer will automatically open.
Menu bar extra
1. Show in menu bar
Enabling the “Show in menu bar” toggle will add our Menu bar extra to your systems menu bar.

- Within the Menu bar extra you’re able to see your video preview, current key settings, quickly switch between presets you’ve made, toggle your camera on or off, adjust camera resolution, and open the full app.
2. Allow running in background
Enabling this option will allow Opal Composer to continued to be accessed through the macOS menu bar, even when the main app window is closed. It will run in the background without activating the camera until used in an external app.
1. Automatically send diagnostics and usage
Enabling this will automatically and periodically send your app diagnostic's and usage data to us.

Video output
1. Camera Resolution
Within the Camera Resolution settings you can select “Auto” or “Manual”
- “Auto” will always select the highest quality and best performance for where the camera is being used.
- “Manual” allows you to select the video resolution you desire: 360p, 720p, 1440p, or 2160p (4k).
- Keep in mine 1080p is the best resolution for general use. Most video communication apps typically only support 1080p or lower.
2. Face-lock sensitivity

This option allows you do adjust the rate in which the camera when Face-lock is enabled will follow your face.
- You can choose from slow, default, or fast.
3. Antibanding

Antibanding helps with the flickering image that might happen with some lights in your environment. Set it to auto to adapt automatically toy our environment.
- You can also manually hone it in with options to choose from 50Hz, 60Hz, or turning it off completely.
4. Pause video when not streaming
Enabling this option will pause your video feed in the app when the camera is not in use and the app is minimized.

Software updates
1. Automatically install software updates
Enabling this toggle will automatically download and install software updates when we have a new version release.
2. Check for updates

Check for updates requires “Automatically install software updates” to be toggled on to become available.
- If toggled on you can select the frequency of when to auto updater checks for new updates to install.
- You can choose from Monthly, Weekly, or Auto reoccurrence.

The about page contains our app credits and typography.
- For users, the most important information can be located at the bottom of the about page where is shows your current app and firmware version.