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Exporting Logs

In the case you need to export your logs to send to our support team or just report a bug with your logs attached, here are a couple quick demos of how to do this.

1. Via our our "Send feedback" โ†’ โ€œReport a bugโ€ flow.

For the "Send feedback" โ†’ โ€œReport a bugโ€ flow, all you need to do is select the "Send feedback" option under the "Help โ†’ Support" menu, then choose the โ€œReport a bugโ€ option in the dropdown.

Notion image

Enter any details around the issue your having and then once you hit send, your email client will open and you should see your message and logs attached already to the email. From there, just hit send in your email client.

2. Export logs manually


The โ€œSave Logsโ€ option can also be accessed within the "Help โ†’ Support" menu.

Select "Save logs" and then it will ask where you want them to save (We suggest picking your computers desktop for easy access).

Notion image

Once exported, just attach the .zip file from wherever you saved it to your email response.

๐Ÿ“งย Contact Support

  • If you run into trouble with this process, our support team is here to help. Reach out to us at for further assistance.
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