📷 Tadpole vs C1 Control
While the Tadpole was designed with Windows users in mind, C1 firmware still technically has this capability on Windows. The main difference being is with the Tadpole you’ll experience a fully stabilized and seamless integration.
🎚️ Windows Camera Controls
On Windows, since we don’t have an official app yet, you can still control some of your camera’s image through the Windows default settings. To do so go to your Windows “Settings” app and navigate to “Bluetooth & Devices” then select “Cameras”. From there, select the camera you wish to control (Opal Tadpole in this example) and you will be presented with the “Basic Settings”.

🎛️ Third Party App Control
If you would like further control of your camera on Windows, you are more than welcome to use any third party app to adjust your camera’s image. A popular and free option many prefer is Open Broadcaster Software | OBS (obsproject.com)
🤝 In Conclusion
Whether you're using the Tadpole or the C1, Windows offers ways to adjust your camera settings, though the experience varies by camera model. For any assistance or further information, our support team is always ready to help at support@opalcamera.com.